Monday, April 16, 2012

Speed of Light

After their United States tour, Aziatix is back with a new song for their fans, Aziaddicts.  For the past week, Aziatix has been teasing their fans with "299.792.458".  Today, Aziatix released the music video to "Speed of Light" on their YouTube channel.  "Speed of Light" was produced and composed by Jae Chong, with written by Flowsik and Jae Chong.  "Speed of Light" can be downloaded off iTunes.  Producer Jae Chong left this message for Aziaddicts:

          This song is our way of sending a message of hope to all those who suffered tragedies
          in the recent years...natural disasters, downward spiral of the economy, personal
          losses, etc. It's an introduction to our new upcoming EP. It will be an album that gives
          hope and strength to the new generation.  

"Speed of Light" is a short yet beautiful song.  Check out the song and music video to "Speed of Light", below!