Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Still In Love With You

Back in 2011, Wang Lee Hom (王力宏) and Wong Fu Productions partnered up and worked on a music video for "Still in Love with You" (依然愛你).  According to Wong Fu Productions, they "only had about a week to prepare for this project, and they only had one day to film the music video".  But once again, Wong Fu Productions did an amazing job.  In October of 2011,  Wong Fu Productions  released the music video on their YouTube channel, and Wang Lee Hom released the music video for his fans on his YouTube channel.  Wong Fu Productions used the visual concept of a flip clock, which is an analog clock with a digital display.  In the music video, Wang Lee Hom is seen holding a retro flip clock and reflects on the times he had with that special lady.  And the music video's frames turn into a flip clock, with the couple's moments changing with every flip.  "Still in Love with You" is a track off of Wang Lee Hom's album, Open Fire.  The song talks about still being in love with that special someone.  "Still in Love with You" can be downloaded on iTunes, along with other songs from the album.  Check out the song and music video to "Still in Love with You", below!