In 1982, Vincent Chin was beaten to death in Detroit, Michigan. During this time, there were lots of layoffs within the Detroit auto industry due to the increase in market shares of the Japanese automakers. The day before his wedding day, two men shouted racial slurs at Chin, who was Chinese, and blaming the Japanese for taking away job opportunities from American automakers. The two men beat Chin with a baseball bat, which resulted in Chin slipping into a coma. Four days after being admitted to the hospital, Chin passed away. The two men were sentenced by a judge to three years probation, no jail time, $780 in court fees and a fine of $3,000.
Model Minority is a group comprised of D-One, Grand Master Chu, and INGLISH. Model Minority incorporates issues Asian-Americans face into their lyrics. The group takes negative ethnic stereotypes that Asian-Americans are faced with and turn them into a positive through music. A friend of mine shared this song with me, and it talks about the story of Vincent Chin. Model Minority has a lyrical gift and flow that captures your ears, to want to listen and to learn about the story of Vincent Chin.